100% ONLINE MBA STUDIUM, MSc, MHA & LLM JIŽ OD 76.900 KČ - PŘIHLÁŠKY DO 13. 03. 2025 
Kalkulátor finančního přínosu MBA studia Kalkulátor finančního přínosu MBA studia

Professor Guillaume Finck

Professor Guillaume Finck


* V případě, že se zde nezobrazuje žádný obor, lektor vyučuje volitelné předměty.

Professor Guillaume Finck

Mr. Finck has an amazing worldwide index of universities where he gained his educational experiences. He started in Ukraine in 1987 with a semester programme at Zaporojie University; then he moved to Texas and continued at Weatherford University, BBA Faculty. Afterwards he came back to France to achieve his BBA degree at IMEA University, Besançon Faculty, International Executive study programme. His last “scholar stop” was at ICG/IFG University, Nantes Faculty where he graduated with a 2nd Master degree in Management Stratégique des Entreprises. Guillaume Finck is the CEO of Excellent Triangle Company, and education services consulting firm, and is currently working on his doctorate degree at Paris School of Business.

Presently Mr. Finck is Professor of Business Strategy; Business Economics; and International Business at Paris Dauphine University; Paris Descartes University; ESG Management School; IFAM; IFAG; ESLI; IDRAC; and MBWay for the following courses: Business Opportunities in the Current Economic Crisis; The Art of War Applied to Market Warfare; Freemium as an Economic Model; Geopolitics and Business Strategy; Perspectives in Europe; The Currency Wars; Coke vs Pepsi: a 100 Years War and a Lesson in Business Intelligence; Blue Ocean Strategies; Soft Strategies; Propaganda and Manipulations in Business; Machiavelli (The Prince) a 500 Years Old Lesson in Strategic Management.

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Kalkulátor finančního přínosu MBA studia

* Data v kalkulaci vychází z průzkumu mezi absolventy MBA studia na institutu CEMI, realizovaného agenturou STEM/MARK v červnu 2022.