MBA v AJ - Marketing Management and International Business
Tento exkluzivní MBA obor je vyučován kompletně v angličtině pod vedením zahraničních lektorů z USA, UK, Francie, Itálie či Španělska. Jeho studiem si tak nejen zlepšíte a procvičíte svoji odbornou a obchodní angličtinu, ale zejména získáte komplexní znalosti z marketingového managementu, strategického marketingu, produktového managementu či mezinárodního marketingu a sociálních médií. Proniknete také do mezinárodního byznysu, naučíte se využívat inovace a zjistíte, co je potřeba pro rozjezd úspěšného start-upu. Zjistíte také, jakou roli hraje v mezinárodním podnikání regulace ochrany hospodářské soutěže či ochrana spotřebitele, poznáte také kulturní odlišnosti managementu a komunikace v mezinárodních a globálních firmách. Staňte se marketingovým a obchodním expertem na mezinárodní úrovni pod vedením zahraničních profesionálů!
Hlavní přínosy oboru v praxi
- osvojíte si techniky mezinárodního on-line marketingu
- seznámíte se s postupy uvádění nových výrobků na globální trh
- prozkoumáte možnosti inovací a změn jako hlavní konkurenční výhody
- dozvíte se o úskalí kartelových dohod a zneužití dominantního postavení
- proniknete do problematiky ochrany spotřebitele, time-sharingu a prodeje na dálku
- seznámíte se s důležitými postupy strategického plánování pro vaše podnikání
Máte v hlavě náměty ke zlepšení chodu oddělení, hledáte inspiraci k osobnímu růstu či expanzi vaší společnosti? Zpracujte tato témata ve své diplomové práci či seminárních pracích a naši lektoři, profesionálové z praxe, vám s nimi v rámci MBA studia rádi pomohou.
Studiem jednotlivých předmětů totiž získáváte možnost průběžně konzultovat reálné problémy, případy a situace z vaší praxe s našimi lektory – experty na danou problematiku, a v rámci těchto konzultací pod jejich odborným vedením zpracovat u každého předmětu jejich řešení formou prakticky orientované případové studie (seminární práce). Díky tomu, že konzultace neprobíhají skupinově, ale pouze přímo mezi vámi a lektorem, můžete konzultovat i citlivé firemní záležitosti, včetně konkrétních dat, bez obav ze sdílení těchto údajů s dalšími studenty. Výstupem z absolvování každého předmětu je tedy cenný dokument ihned dále použitelný ve vaší firmě či zaměstnání, s vysokou přidanou hodnotou díky one-to-one konzultacím s odborníkem.
Jednotlivé seminární práce můžete dále rozpracovat do své diplomové práce, která představuje ucelený strategický dokument, jenž může mít zásadní vliv na váš další byznys. Celkem takto během svého studia pod odborným vedením zpracujete a získáte deset prakticky zaměřených seminárních prací, a navíc ještě diplomovou práci.
Komu je obor MBA v AJ - Marketing Management and International Business určen?
Univerzální obor, který je určen pro manažery a další řídící pozice ve společnostech, které působí na mezinárodním trhu, obor je propojen také s marketingovými aktivitami ve firmách, takže se skvěle hodí pro marketingové manažery v mezinárodních společnostech. Vhodný je také pro všechny, kteří o podobné pozici sní, protože studijní obor Marketing Management and International Business může právě v tomto odvětví nastartovat váš osobní i kariérní růst.
- pro manažery v mezinárodních společnostech
- pro všechny, pro které je výhodné propojit management a marketing
- pro ty, kteří chtějí nastartovat svůj kariérní posun
- pro podnikatele, kterým obor pomůže expandovat do zahraničí
- pro všechny, kteří si chtějí studiem zdokonalit také odbornou a obchodní angličtinupro klienty, kteří očekávají profesionální vedení odborníky v oboru
Studijní plán
Studijní plán 1. semestr
Business Enterprise (ENG)

Studying this subject will give you the appropriate skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to the creation of a small business with prospects for long-term survival and growth.
After completing this subject, you will be able to :
- Identify and research business opportunities.
- Develop proposals that would have a high likelihood of acceptance by prospective investors.
- Identify the key success factors and resultant actions that would be required to make a sound business proposal operable.
- Identify and assess the possible contribution of forms of support for new business ventures.
Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.
The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.
Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZCompetition Policies for Business (ENG)

Studying this subject will give you:
- Familiarity with the regulation of economic competition ‘policies in EU and elsewhere
- Acquisition of a deep knowledge of the regulation of cartel agreements
- Acquisition of a deep knowledge of the regulation of abuse of dominant position
- Acquisition of a deep knowledge of the regulation of concentrations
- Acquisition of a deep knowledge of the regulation of state aids
- Capacity to operate safely when working with large companies as well as when transacting with them, as clients, suppliers or partners.
Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.
The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.
Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZInternational Entrepreneurship (ENG)

Studying this subject will give you an understanding the foundations of entrepreneurship and innovation. You will understand the motivations and barriers to international entrepreneurship. You will also analyse key areas that impact on entrepreneurship such as ethnicity, access to finance and gender.
Introduction to entrepreneurship and innovation and entrepreneurship behaviour theories; Overview of barriers to International Entrepreneurship; Analyse ethnicity, Financing entrepreneurship, Gender; Understand the various forms of entrepreneurs
After completing this subject, you will be able to understand entrepreneurial competencies and the impact on international entrepreneurship. You will understand the various forms that entrepreneurship can take.
Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.
The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.
Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZInternational Marketing and Social Media (ENG)

This course provides students an in-depth look social media and marketing, how they intertwined with online digital marketing and traditional advertising to offer global brands competitive advantage in the market place. The course will offer students an advantage in many positions involving marketing, consulting and brand management both on the buyer and seller side of social media. It will give them uncommon insights into how social media and marketing leap-frog obscure brands to global brands.
Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.
The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.
Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZMarketing Management (ENG)

Studying this subject will give you an understanding on how to conduct a situation analysis and determine a company's competitive advantage. You will gain a broad understanding of how marketing professionals develop and implement marketing strategies to meet the needs of their customers while achieving their business objectives. This course will explore issues including consumers, customer segmentation, products and services, pricing strategies and managing new technology.
This module explores customer segmentation, target consumers, products and services, and pricing strategies. The study material explores the difference between sales and market orientations. Additionally, you will learn the nature of strategic planning and why a marketing plan is important. An explanation is provided on how to set marketing plan objectives by focusing on markets served and benefits sought by its customers.
Lastly, you will learn about target market strategy and marketing mix. Product, place, promotion
and pricing are introduced, and implementation of the market strategy is explained. You will gain an understanding why market managers should recognize consumer behavior including the components of the consumer decision making process. Additionally, you will learn about the criteria for successful segmentation and bases for segmenting consumer markets, as well as the difference between a product item, product line and product mix.
After completing this subject, you will be able to develop sound marketing strategies through a S.W.O.T. analysis.
Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.
The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.
Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZStudijní plán 2. semestr
Consumer Protection Policies for Business Companies (ENG)

Studying this subject will give you:
- An explanation of what are the main rules affecting Consumer Protection in the European Union, in Russia (and in former Soviet Republic in general) and in other emerging economies like China.
- An understanding of how this law affects market players and, in particular, business companies operating in the areas indicated (and also in neighboring markets).
- An introduction into consumer case-analysis in order to enable them to identify those consumer rights companies must consider when preparing their business plans.
- An understanding of the growing international applications of consumer protection policies and the gradual internationalization of consumer protection standards.
After completing this subject, you will be able to:
- Understand consumer protection provided by the European Union and by other economic realities like Russia (and other former Soviet Republics) and China.
- Understand the rights of Consumers
- Understand the duties of Companies
Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.
The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.
Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZInternational Business Strategy (ENG)

Studying this subject will give you a critical appreciation of both the opportunities and challenges associated with the increasing globalization of markets. An analysis on the key environmental forces shaping consumer needs and preferences, the impact of foreign political and economic factors on companies, the influence of international competition, market segmentation and strategy decisions specific to international marketing.
It will also help to learn how to design a specific International Strategy, and when appropriate, to free yourself from the usual strategies.
Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.
The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.
Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZManaging Innovation (ENG)

Studying this subject will give you the appropriate skills and knowledge to explore the importance of innovation and change for the individual and business.
After completing this subject, you will be able to...
- Understand the significance and importance of innovation and change in relation to business enterprises and not-for-profit organisations of all kinds.
- Critically appraise theories, tools and techniques appropriate to the management of innovation and change.
- Employ appropriate terms, concepts and vocabulary when describing and analyzing innovation and change.
- Identify the components of successful strategies for innovation and change.
Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.
The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.
Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZStrategic Marketing & Product Management (ENG)

Studying this subject will give you. Vistas of opportunity in knowing the elements of Marketing and Marketing Mix of “4 Ps” Product, Place, Pricing, Promotion. It will also give the student the opportunity to know how companies decide when and how much to invest in new products and services. It will discuss techniques for product planning, including product and technology roadmaps, and advanced development. We will contrast established techniques with how established or start-ups estimate their capital needs and size for Products Development. This course will also cover methods for identifying and sizing market opportunities, look at different kind of Market Segmentation. The Student should be acquainted and use frameworks such as PESTEL, SWOT and PORTERS Five Forces etc.
Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.
The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.
Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZStrategic Planning (ENG)

Studying this subject will reinforce the managerial skills in strategic planning, give you an advanced knowledge of strategic planning process and the main strategic tools used to develop strategic plans in real companies.
After completing this subject, you will be able to develop in your company a strategic analysis of the existing situation and come up with an innovative new strategy to overcome the existing weaknesses and taking advantages of the strengths and opportunities that the sector situation offers.
Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.
The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.
Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZ